Tuesday, 17 January 2012

So it's been a little nuts around here.  When isn't it - I know!
I didn't get to the gym at all last week. I wasn't feeling well at the beginning of the week so missed the gym, then had a meeting Wednesday night, I usually go on Thursday mornings but I had another meeting and Friday was a write-off as well. I did make it to a hot yoga class on Sunday. I know I am feeling off though because I usually feel great at the end of yoga and I didn't this time. I'm hoping I can get to the gym Thurs and Fri of this week. Kev is out of town this week and next so it is going to be a challenge!! I can't go in the mornings at the moment on Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays which really limits me when Kev is away.

Kids had a hard time getting back into the swing of things last week. They are all night owls and tend to stay up later than they should when school is out. Always makes the first week back fun.
The most drastic thing that happened last week was that Paige had a HUGE haircut and it looks awesome!

Here is a before pic :

And here are the finished result, which actually took place over a week. She had it cut a bit longer the first time and then decided that she wanted it shorter.....

I think it looks FABULOUS, and so grown-up!!!

Not much else to report, poor Paige is home today with a tummy bug, and I let Ella stay with her. Ella went into school crying yesterday because she didn't want to go, so I figured we would just lay low today and have lots of snuggles........


  1. Awwww your daughter Paige is such a sweetheart :) she;'s beautiful and I am loving the bob. Too bad you didn't get to the gym but I can't imagine finding the time if I had more kids. I only workout at home during Logans naps or evening when I'm off. So when he's older it may prove difficult

  2. Thanks Ali, Paige is beside me on the couch (tummy flu) and says thank you too!
    Ya, getting to the gym or out for a run is almost impossible if Kev is out of town because I babysit as well, so often have another child here even if all of mine are in school. Ella goes into Grade one :( in the fall so I should find it easier to get some runs in - I hope! In the meantime even though it's hard sometimes, I have to remember to enjoy my time with them, won't be long before they are all grown-up, if the speed with which the last decade flew by is any indication!!!!
